Fox Hills Music Teachers logo

mission statement

Fox Hills Music Teachers Association’s mission is to support the advancement of excellence in music teaching in our community.

Through interaction and continuing education for all music teachers, FHMTA offers opportunities for students to improve their music skills, share their music, and enrich their lives.

About our CHAPTER

Fox Hills Music Teachers Association (FHMTA) is a regional chapter of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and Illinois State Music Teachers Association (ISMTA). Our members come from the Fox Valley/McHenry Country area, which is northwest of Chicago, Illinois. Current members represent the communities of Barrington, Cary, Crystal Lake, Hebron, Huntley, Lake in the HIlls, McHenry, and Woodstock.

Our purpose is to advance musical knowledge and education through discussion, investigation, and performance. We aim to improve the quality of music education available to the general public, as well as improve the general welfare of music teachers. 

We meet together monthly, from September through April. Following our business meeting, a program is presented each month to help equip us to become better teachers. Meetings also provide us with time to share ideas, ask questions, and network with other independent teachers.

Student events are held throughout the year to give our students more opportunities to perform in our communities, promote the arts, and further their music theory training, giving our students performance opportunities within our community, as well as strengthening the quality of their music education.

To view a list of our current chapter leadership, visit this page.


View and download our promotional brochure: FHMTA Tri-Fold Brochure